
  • Blockquote

    Addiction has been defined as physical and psychological dependence on psychoactive substances (for example alcohol, tobacco, heroin and other drugs) which cross the blood-brain barrier once ingested, temporarily altering the chemical milieu of the brain.

  • Blockquote

    The name comes from "coca" in addition to the alkaloid suffix -ine, forming cocaine. It is a stimulant of the central nervous system, an appetite suppressant, and a topical anesthetic.

  • Blockquote

    Sexual addiction can have severe effects on the addict and his or her loved ones. As the addiction escalates, and the disorder progresses, the damage to personal relationships, self-esteem, career and other areas of life increases to devastating levels.

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

Deal with Porn Addiction

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Somethings are terrible! When in limit its ok! But when out of control it can spoil your life and
interfere with other issues.


Understand healthy sexuality. Healthy sexuality recognizes that sexuality is a positive and enriching form of communication in which we give, receive, and personally experience pleasure and emotions. It is an expression that can benefit us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Unhealthy sexuality includes feeling shame around sexuality, seeing sexual energy as uncontrollable, using sex as exploitation or to hurt someone, using power or force over someone in a way that was not mutually consented. 
    Identify signs of internet addiction. There are no set guidelines that mark when internet consumption becomes an addiction. However, there are some markers that indicate your use of the internet and pornography has become a problem that interferes with your life. Some common signs include:[3][4]
    • Losing track of time spent watching pornography
    • Having difficulty completing tasks at work or at home
    • Social isolation away from family and friends
    • Feeling guilty or defensive about porn usage
    • Feeling a sense of euphoria when consuming pornography
    • Continued use despite negative consequences
    • Porn consumption feels out of your control; efforts have been unsuccessful to stop
    • Use of pornography consumes your thoughts; you anticipate use when unavailable
    • Your intimacy with a partner has become strained due to use
    Decide what needs to change. Once you’ve decided if you have a problem, you’ll need to identify what exactly you’re wanting to change. Some people may want to stop porn consumption altogether, while others may want to change how and when they watch porn. You may want to stop watching a certain genre of pornography. Be clear in what you want to change in order to move forward.

    Combat underlying problems. For some people, excessive use of the internet and pornography results as a way to self-soothe. Stress, depression and anxiety may be underlying problems that fuel an internet and pornography addiction. Perhaps you struggled with drugs or alcohol in the past. Excessive internet use and pornography may be a way of numbing similar to how drugs helped you cope

    Build your coping skills. If you use porn as a way to cope with your emotions, there are more productive ways to cope. If you use pornography because you are shy interacting with individuals you are romantically interested in, consider building your social skills. Perhaps you deal with anger or frustration through internet and porn. Find ways to address these areas of your life that don’t include pornography

    Combat boredom. Since excessive porn consumption is generally a habit, one of the major causes is boredom. You simply don't have anything else you'd rather be doing, so you turn to internet and pornography for entertainment. If you combat boredom and fill your time with other activities, you can kick a porn habit.

    Deal with loneliness. Loneliness can also drive people to excessive porn use. If you find that you're isolating yourself from other people, make an effort to meet people and interact. Focus on building your relationships so that you experience healthy, satisfying relationships with those around you so you're not always alone.

    Strengthen your support network. Spend more time with your family, or determine to build or strengthen friendships. Have friends that can support you in dealing with your internet and pornography habit, and encourage you as you quit. Find the friends you trust and discuss your problem with them, and ask them for help.

    Overcome trauma. Trauma is often a source of addiction problems.[8] If you suffered a sexually-based emotional or physical trauma, you may be more likely to develop an unhealthy relationship with porn. If this is the case with you, you should consult with a mental health professional so that you can work to overcome your trauma.
    • Ask your doctor for a referral to a therapist.
    • Often, simply acknowledging your trauma and talking about it to friends, family members, and other survivors can help you come to terms with those feelings and start moving toward healthier behaviors.

    How to Quit Marijuana

    Tuesday, December 5, 2017

    If you feel that Marijuana is taking over your life and replacing all of your friends, hobbies, and favorite ways to pass the time, then it's time to quit smoking and get your life back on track. Marijuana may be psychologically addictive, which means that you need to be mentally prepared and willing to give up your habit. So if you're looking for help for getting your old life back and dropping your old habits, you've come to the right place. Credits:

    Set a date for when you want to be completely pot-free. Scheduling it somewhere between two weeks and a month out should make it close enough that you don't lose sight of it, but not so close that tapering off feels impossible. If you think this is really unrealistic, you can give yourself a few months to really quit. 

    Make your decision clear to your support system. Tell trustworthy friends and family members if they know about it, that what you're doing, and ask for their support in quitting. You'll probably find that they're thrilled to see you quit. Avoid the friends that you smoke with for a while. This may sound harsh, but that's the way it goes.

    Prepare for withdrawal. Once you stop taking it, here are few things you may affect, which is very normal and you may not worry. Manay before you had it, you will hav and many after you will have. Be brave and look for better life. 

    Sleeplessness: Try to avoid caffeine for the first few days, and hit the hay as soon as you're tired in the evening.

    Decreased appetite: You might feel nauseated at first. Try to eat bland foods that are easy on the stomach, such as bananas, rice, toast, oatmeal and apples.

    Irritability: As you experience the mood swings that accompany withdrawal, you might find yourself quick to anger or prone to crying. Plan for these ahead of time, and when they happen try to take a step back and acknowledge what's happening. Tell yourself, "This isn't me, and this isn't the situation. It's the withdrawal." Repeat it as often as you need to.

    Anxiety: Feeling on-edge or generally out of sorts is a common symptom of withdrawal that can come with quitting any drug. When you have a spare minute, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and remember that withdrawal is only temporary.

    Increased body temperature: you may feel hotter than normal and may start sweating from time to time.

    Find a replacement activity. Instead of using, devote your new free time to a hobby or sport. Try to make it something you can do as quickly and easily as lighting up — such as playing guitar or going for a run — and turn to it whenever you're tempted. If you're feeling too bored or depressed to do this, watch a movie that makes you smile or spend some time with a good friend who is not a user. Here are some other things to try:
    • Taking long walks
    • Talking to an old friend on the phone
    • Swimming
    • Cooking
    • Reading the newspaper

    Change your routine. In addition to finding a new hobby, you should switch up your routine so that you don't start missing pot so badly during the time that you usually spent getting high. Here are some things you can do:[4]
    • Change your morning routine. Try getting up a little earlier or later, having something different for breakfast, or showering at a different time.
    • Change your work or school routine. Go to work or school by a different route, sit in a different seat if you can, and eat something different for lunch.
    • Change your study routine. If you normally study in your bedroom (which leads to smoking pot), mix it up and study at a coffee shop or a library.
    • Don't start eating less just to change up your routine, though. You may find that you're less hungry, but you should try to eat the same amount to stay healthy.
    Manage your urges. You will have an urge, or a craving to smoke, pretty often, and it's important to know how to react to these if you really want to quit. Here are some things you can do to avoid giving in to the craving for pot:[5]
    • Avoid your trigger locations. Don't go to the places that make you want to smoke, whether its your friend's basement or the sop under your high school bleachers.
    • Flee the scene. Wherever you find yourself when you get an urge, get out as soon as you can. Changing your environment as quickly as you can is your best bet.
    • Breathe deeply. Take a deep breath through your mouth and hold the air in your lungs for 5-7 seconds until you feel more calm. Breathe it out through puckered lips, and repeat these steps until the feeling passes.
    • Put something else in your mouth. Finding a substitute for your craving -- as long as it's not alcohol or another drug -- can help curb it. Try sugarless gum, sugarless candy, a diet drink, toothpicks, a pen or pencil, or even a straw.
    • Drink water. Staying hydrated will keep you healthy and will help you battle your urges.
    Stick with it. The worst of the withdrawal should be over in a week or two, and we've all heard that saying about how it takes three weeks to make or break a habit. By the time a month's passed, you should be completely in the clear and free of your addiction. It might seem like an eternity while you're dealing with it, but try to remember that it's not thatlong.
    • Plan a small celebration a month from your quit date. Having a milestone to look forward to can help you stay on-track, and you can use it as an excuse for a small reward like a night out or a present to yourself.
    Visit a psychiatrist for pharmacological help. A medical doctor (MD) or doctor of osteopathy (DO) can prescribe medications designed to help you ease off of marijuana. 
    • Make sure you're committed to quitting before you make an appointment. Not only is visiting a doctor expensive, but many will not take you as a patient again if you continually relapse.
    See a therapist. If there are underlying issues that are driving your marijuana use — such as depression or anxiety — talking them through with a professional could help you quit. If possible, try to find someone who specializes in addiction issues.
    • Look at different modalities. There are several modalities, or types of therapy, that might be appropriate for pot addiction. Talk therapy is the most common kind, but you might also investigate cognitive-behavioral therapy.

    Join a support group. If you're having a hard time quitting on your own because of peer pressure or a lack of confidence, a support group might be the answer for you.
    • Narcotics Anonymous is in several countries, and provides free membership and meetings. Search online for groups in your area.
    Stay motivated. If you really want to quit, then you have to keep your eyes on the prize. Remind yourself why you want to quit, whether it's to improve your health, your thinking, your social life, or your overall perspective on life, and stay focused on that goal like a laser. Write it down and tape it above your desk, keep an index card with your motives in your pocket, or just keep your goals in an accessible place that you can easily reach whenever you're losing steam.
    • Whenever you're having a moment of weakness, consider all of the things you can do once you stop smoking for good. You'll feel more active, more energetic, and more motivated to do all of the things you want to do.

    Always remember one thing, Everything is Possible! 

    Power of Mind Over Body

    Thursday, June 9, 2011 0 comments

    We often hear the virtues and benefits that positive thinking can bring. The "mind over matter and body" claim actually has scientific belief backing it. Medical science has widely accepted that the mind can often fix problems with the body using pure thought. Not everyone believes in the power of mind over body. Some think the belief in the power of the mind is itself a myth or just wishful thinking. source

    Identification: The power of mind over body actually has a scientific name--the "placebo effect". The placebo effect is an observed phenomenon where people often find relief from pain and disease due to the belief in the mind that treatments, real or not, work, according to Scientific American. Doctors have accepted the existence of the placebo effect since Henry K. Beecher's 1955 "The Powerful Placebo" in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

    Significance: The power of mind over body is not just a sporadic phenomenon. The existence of the placebo effect is so strong that drug researchers often test drugs to make sure the medication works better than a placebo. According to Beecher's study, simply believing in the medicine may work in as many as 33 percent of all cases. If doctors could harness positive beliefs, it would be a great boon to medical counseling.

    Theories/Speculation: Recent studies have shown that support for the placebo effect is not ubiquitous among researchers. Peter Gotzsche and Asbjorn Hrobjartsson of the University of Copenhagen in a report for the New England Journal of Medicine, believe previous placebo research shows that the mind over body effect is not statistically significant compared to no treatment at all.

    Potential: Scanning for the effects of placebos on the brain may offer future medical science a way to harness these thoughts, according to an MSNBC article on placebos by Linda Carroll. A Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA study on depression showed that people who responded well to antidepressants all showed similar changes in brain chemistry when given a placebo. This could make screening for some medication very cheap by testing for these effects.

    Criticism: Some people, such as Roger S. Kirby in "Textbook of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia", believe that using the power of the mind over the body in placebos might be an ethical violation. The international agreement "Declaration of Helsinki" states that all participants in medical studies should receive the best possible care. Knowingly giving a placebo to someone with an illness could be seen as a violation of this pact.

    Facts About Heroin Addiction

    Tuesday, June 7, 2011 0 comments

    Heroin use is a continually growing problem in the United States and all over the world. says, "The 1999 National Household Survey on drug abuse estimated that there were 149,000 new heroin users in 1998 and that nearly 80 percent were under the age of 26." Heroin has become a mythical drug, and the facts about the drug and addiction to heroin can be daunting. Movies like "Trainspotting" paint a terrifying picture of painful withdrawal and hallucination. To understand heroin addiction, it is important to understand why it is so addictive and to understand the effects addiction can have on an addict's life. Source:

    About Heroin

    Heroin is most commonly injected into the arm using a syringe. However, heroin can also be snorted and smoked, though injection remains the most common form. It originates from the opium poppy, a plant found around the world. Opium poppy is also used in the creation of opium and morphine. In fact, all three of these drugs are powerful pain killers. When it was first discovered, heroin was manufactured by Bayer for use as pain medicine. Morphine is still used in the medical field as a highly effective pain killer. All three of these drugs are also highly addictive.

    Why So Addictive?

    It is heroin and other opiates' pain-killing nature that makes them so addictive. The body manufactures a substance called endorphins, which are also an opioid. Endorphins are used to numb pain during a major injury. They are also used when the body moves and exercises, giving the tearing muscles and aching joints a boost of endorphins which makes exercise pleasurable. Endorphins also come into play during sex. As a result of our use of endorphins, our body is filled with opioid receptors. Heroin is basically a concentrated form of endorphins. It simulates an endorphin rush that is much more powerful than natural. This is what makes the drug so addictive. It hits at the very essence of what gives human beings physical pleasure. Few drugs operate on the human body in such a primal fashion.

    Withdrawal Symptoms

    Withdrawal is another reason that heroin is so addictive. Heroin withdrawal symptoms are said to be some of the worst an addict can suffer through. Symptoms include, but are not limited to: dilated pupils, goose bumps, insomnia, loss of appetite, tremors, panic, nausea, muscle cramps, stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, shaking and irritability. Instead of suffering through these symptoms, addicts find it easier to continue their unhealthy addiction. The reason these symptoms are so intense is related to the way heroin replaces endorphins in the human body. The body becomes dependent on the unnatural high of heroin opioids. The body begins to think that it is normal to feel that constant rush of pleasure. When it is taken away, the body aches in a horrific and painful manner. Many addicts would rather continue their unhealthy addiction rather than suffering through these symptoms.

    Short-Term Effects

    Beyond withdrawal symptoms, the health risks of heroin addiction are numerous. Short term effects include a feeling of euphoria, a warm flush of the skin, dry mouth, drowsiness, heavy arms and legs, cloudy mental function and a slower breathing rate. These short-term effects are what's referred to as the "high." The addicts become accustomed to these euphoric feelings and probably have no idea that even the occasional, casual use of heroin can lead to respiratory failure. Even if the addict knows, he probably doesn't care. Long-term effects can be even more serious.

    Long-Term Effects

    Long-term effects include infection of the heart lining and valves, liver disease, kidney disease and pulmonary complications. Addicts who inject and share needles put themselves at high risk for HIV and hepatitis C. They also are prone to scarred or collapsed veins, abscesses, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Overdose is also a common problem amongst heroin users. The high from heroin eventually tapers off, and more of the drug has to be used each time to achieve that same high. Using too much can lead to seizures, brain damage and even death. Often, heroin is very impure and is mixed with sugar, starch and other questionable chemicals.

    Overcome Heroin Addiction


    Heroin (diacetylmorphine (INN)), also known as diamorphine (BAN, or, especially in older literature, as morphine diacetate), is a semi-synthetic opioid drug synthesized from morphine, a derivative of the opium poppy. It is the 3,6-diacetyl ester of morphine (di-acetyl-morphine) and a morphine prodrug. The white crystalline form is commonly the hydrochloride salt diacetylmorphine hydrochloride, though, when supplied illegally, it is often adulterated, thus dulling the sheen and consistency from that to a matte white powder, which diacetylmorphine freebase typically is. 90% of illicit diamorphine (heroin) is thought to be produced in Afghanistan. Source: wikipedia,

    Spot Signs of Heroin Use

    Heroin is synthesized directly from the morphine in opium poppy seeds. It mimics the action of naturally occurring endorphins on the brain by producing euphoria and is the most addictive of all the opiates. Injection is the most effective way of using low-quality heroin but snorting and smoking are becoming more popular due to the risks of sharing needles. The following steps will show:

    Look for changes in behavior. Children who have started using heroin may suddenly replace old friends with new ones and there may be a dramatic drop in grades or job performance.

    Watch for physical changes because of heroin use. Heroin users may develop runny noses and eyes, constricted pupils and spend an unusually large amount of time sleeping or exhibit apathy or lethargy. A regular user may have an unkempt appearance and begin to neglect their hygiene.

    Find unusual items around the house such as capsules, small plastic bags, syringes, packaging material for antihistamines or unusual residue in the coffee-bean grinder. Cash or other valuables may be missing and a sudden pattern of stealing or borrowing money appears. On the other hand, you also may find unexplained valuables.

    Notice other clues to indicate heroin use. A heroin user may wear winter clothes during the summer to hide needle marks.

    Treat Heroin Addiction

    As Heroin is one of the most addictive substances on the planet, and overcoming addiction is very difficult due to the severity of withdrawal symptoms. While methadone substitution has historically been the most common method of helping a heroin addict, alternative ways to treat heroin addiction are of increasing interest to addiction treatment professionals.

    Act early, if possible. A heroin addict's chances of recovery are greatly increased if the problem is addressed quickly, rather than after years of drug abuse.

    Understand that methadone substitution has a strong track record for helping heroin addicts recover. Methadone is a synthetic opioid that controls heroin cravings by blocking heroin's effects on the body, eliminating withdrawal symptoms. However, the waiting list at a methadone clinic may be lengthy, forcing the addict to consider other possibilities.

    New alternative drug therapies are gaining momentum among addiction treatment professionals. In particular, the use of dihydrocodeine and buprenorphine are becoming increasingly widespread. Buprenorphine is similar to methadone, but with less effective opioid action and much lower risk of creating a physical dependence of its own. Dihydrocodeine, a relative newcomer, is attractive because it comes at a fraction of the cost of methadone and is considered safer, less toxic and equally effective.

    Sign the heroin addict up for behavioral therapy. Professionals universally recognize the effectiveness of therapy as a treatment method. Cognitive-behavioral interventions, in which the therapist attempts to help the user understand what led them to addictive behavior in the first place, has been successful. However, many experts agree that behavioral therapy is most effective when combined with other treatments, particularly methadone or an equivalent.

    Be prepared for a difficult battle. While the most acute heroin withdrawal symptoms typically abate within a week of discontinued use of the drug, a general irritability and craving for heroin can linger for months or years afterwards. Psychological and physical cravings for the drug are the leading cause of relapse in users who have been treated for addiction. Continued medical care and therapy is necessary to overcome heroin addiction.

    Stay positive. With proper care and a strong will, heroin addiction can be beaten.

    Control a Food Addiction

    Monday, June 6, 2011 0 comments

    Are you gulping down food every 5 minutes? Do you want to know how to stop this addiction and lose weight? If so, read on. Source


    To start off, you will have to admit to yourself that this is unhealthy and must stop. If you want, you can ask a family member to guard the fridge, so if you get a temptation to eat, they will stop you (unless they have an addiction themselves).

    Drink water whenever you have the urge to eat. Believe it or not, one glass of water really helps your appetite go down.

    Talk to anyone with a cured addiction for food, and ask them how they stopped eating. They will probably mention that it is very hard to stop yourself.

    Keep a journal and write down things that you are thinking about or have just happened that triggered your cravings for more food.

    Meditate and see how many days you can keep up without eating extra junk(main meals like breakfast, lunch and dinner don't count).

    Keep a food diary to see how you are doing.

    Finally, after a few weeks, or a couple of months, hopefully your addiction will be gone. Congrats!!

    Cocaine Addiction

    Sunday, June 5, 2011 0 comments

    Cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine) (INN) is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant. The name comes from "coca" in addition to the alkaloid suffix -ine, forming cocaine. It is a stimulant of the central nervous system, an appetite suppressant, and a topical anesthetic. Specifically, it is a serotonin–norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor, which mediates functionality of these neurotransmitters as an exogenous catecholamine transporter ligand. Because of the way it affects the mesolimbic reward pathway, cocaine is addictive. Source:,

    Its possession, cultivation, and distribution are illegal for non-medicinal and non-government sanctioned purposes in virtually all parts of the world. Although its free commercialization is illegal and has been severely penalized in virtually all countries, its use worldwide remains widespread in many social, cultural, and personal settings.

    Recognize Cocaine Addiction:

    Here are some of the signs of cocaine use and addiction.

    > People that are under the influence of cocaine may have a hard time staying still.

    > Some behaviors may include chewing/ biting/ moving teeth. #*They may seem excessively talkative.

    > Sniffing is common after snorting cocaine.

    Detect Cocaine:

    When trying to ascertain whether or not cocaine has been present in a room or area, here are some ways to work it out.

    > Consider whether there are any strange smells not usually a part of the household or area. Specially trained "sniff" dogs are used to detect smells by the local police, although their sense of smell is far superior to that of human beings.

    > Purchase a home detection kit. There are kits with sprays that detect cocaine on surfaces.

    > There is a "bling test" that is able to detect cocaine in the saliva.

    Overcome Cocaine Addiction:

    As per Dr. Jaquel Anderson's article at following are few steps to use in order to overcome addiction:

    Inpatient basis treatment Counselors which are based out of these clinics, help the addict rebuild their lost health. Counsellors are known to delve deep in the matter and also find out what caused the cocaine addiction in the first place. Once the addict knows why he/she started the addiction, they can also find ways to quit the addiction. A treatment program along with counselling is very vital.

    Doctor’s supervision for cocaine addiction: One should realize that drug addiction requires medical supervision at all times. The body needs time to adjust to new intakes. Doctors would help an addict rebuild his/her lost confidence as well relationships which went bad during addiction. A supervised environment is also essential when mild sedatives are administered to addicts.

    Hypnosis rehabilitation During a rehabilitation treatment, the mind and body are conditioned to change and take up alternative methods. Lifestyle changes are made to take place in a controlled or guarded environment. During Hypnosis rehabilitation, on an average the treatment lasts for around 21 day’s t 28 days. The days required to be spent depend entirely on the clinic. The patterns in an addict undergo change through kinaesthetic learning, during kinaesthetic learning the addict is made to learn by doing. The addict is also made to spend quality time with the therapist as well as the physician.

    Self hypnosis With self hypnosis, each aspect is made to get reinforced. Self hypnosis provides the right amount of support required by an addict. An addict can overcome drug addiction with self – hypnosis along with the assistance of clinical interventions. Medicines can help counter the ill effects of the drug abuse to quite a vast extent.

    After the treatments for drug addiction, hypnosis can help an addict come out of the addictive as well as withdrawal phase. It is always advisable to get help from professional as well as renowned hypnotherapist for the right guidance and treatment.

    A cocaine addict can overcome and fight drug addiction with the help of a comprehensive approach, suitable treatments and medical supervision.

    Never loose hope, everything is Possible!